Goodness, bed is calling. But I just found these photos from last week and had to share. Our kids participated in our library's storytelling club this summer and last Wednesday they had the opportunity to perform for visitors at the "showcase." It was neat to see them present stories they'd worked hard to prepare on their own, and with the help of beloved "Miss Trish;" especially for me, the Communication major. Especially because, as teacher-momma, I'm often involved in all the little preparations, and they did this independently. I actually heard Brian's story for the first time live! And especially because for my princess-girlie, this was the year that she conquered her fear and did the whole story, in front of a crowd full of strangers, and didn't let her proud momma's tears distract her (I didn't cry! I didn't!). I say it again, girlie, I wanna be just like you when I grow up.