We have wanted to study Latin in our home fro quite some time. I was, therefore, super excited when I found we were going to receive The Latin Road to The English Language from Schola Publications to review for TOS Crew!
We were graciously allowed to choose which curriculum we wanted, and I first chose The Latin Road, which is a full-on Latin Curriculum. After a few days of being overwhelmed, (this is an INTENSE and thorough study of Latin that treats it as a full language study) I decided for my crew of 12, 11, 9, and 6 year olds, The Bridge to The Latin Road was our best bet, and exchanged. What we received is an in-depth grammar program based on the idea of creating framing keys to help students form a solid foundation for their coming Latin study.
Provided in the curriculum are student text, worksheets, answer guides, CD's, flashcards, as well as a Teacher's Guide which has instructional DVD's.
As students learn "framing codes," they work their way through parts of speech through dictation, sentence analysis, and diagramming.
What I love: extrememly thorough. A student who completed this program would have a superior grasp of English Grammar. Includes pronunciation guides, lots of handwriting practice, and oral drills.
Not so much: I personally found this a bit dry and complicated, though I suspect this may be more my teaching personality at work (which is why a variety of reviews is a GOOD thing!)
I would NOT recommend this as a follow-up to another grammar program (as we tried to do) - for our family it was overkill. However, for a family who is searching for a complete and thorough grammar curriculum, and a teacher who has lots of time to prepare and teach, this is a strong consideration.
FOR SURE, visit the Schola Publications website. It is a wealth of information on both the curriculae offered and the study of Latin in general!
Note: The author also offers The Phonics Road for younger students. For a classical teacher, this might be an excellent consideration.