my friend b. is this amazing, quirky, thing who is super creative and earthy at the same time. she's as at home in a theology book with her kids as she is, well, just about anywhere else. i got to spend an evening making soap with her and boy, i tell you, it was an experience. talk about a rush for the senses. as much as i love to cook, this was almost as yummy.
lined up on the counter, her pharmacy of scents and oils.

okay, i'm a little nervous. she pulls out her tiny leather book of potions. complete with notes on past creations. how do i get these friends? truly, i'm awed.

shea butter and palm oil and coconut oil, and others... melding together in a pungent and beautiful medley (yes, i know i'm a goofball, but, oh, the heaven!)

don't we look so natural? she made me wear goggles and gloves (you use lye - this is dangerous business!) but her husband mercifully allowed us to remove them for the -ahem- "impromptu" photo op. i did not, however, want to remove the vintage apron i was allowed to borrow from her collection.

the end result? it's curing at her house. lucky dog. you should smell the stuff we created! if you're lucky, maybe we'll share...