Monday, February 16, 2009

One2Believe Noah's Ark

Having five kids, you can well imagine that I've had a houseful of toys over the years. I've gotten pretty fiery about which toys I'll keep and which ones move on to the homes of lesser fortunate kids. I like things that are simple, without lots of bells and whistles (except a few choice electronic learning games; I have favorites if you ask!). We don't buy toys that are just advertisements for various movies and "brands." We keep the ones that require effort and/or leave room for growing imaginations to flourish. Think building blocks, wooden trains, and such.

One type of toy I've found "lasts" in our home is the sturdy plastic animal figures. Especially starting at baby's age (16 months), they seem to encourage imaginative play. They also seem fairly ageless - even 12 year old will plop on the floor and play with the animals with littlest.

We were really excited, then, to receive our new Noah's Ark Play Set in the mail to try out for One 2 Believe. I've got to be honest, I'm obsessed with Little People, and I was nervous as to how this new crew would get along with the characters in the Noah's ark we bought Blue for Christmas.

I needn't have worried. This sweet toy is full of sturdy plastic characters that have comical features. They're a big hit around here - I keep having to corral them back to the living room toy basket, as littlest likes to tote them around while he makes their animal sounds. My ONLY criticism is that the ark itself is difficult to take apart... but to be honest, littlest is happy to shove the critters into the little opening on top and then work to get them out.

If you're looking for sweet and simple toys that allow room for imagination, ones that are sturdy without unneccessary "extras," this is a toy worth having. Check out the site for One 2 Believe (I've mentioned them to you before!) and see the other goodies available!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! Check out this new Christian band that just released their first album. From what I heard on the samples site, they sound really good.

Introducing the new Christian National Anthem: Guns & Jesus.

Please pass on this info to all.