Wednesday, January 21, 2009

yes, God does love the sinner.

i was reminded by a precious woman after reading the last post that God does love the sinner... as much as he does my little anna. i want to never forget this... He is the God who came for the lost, the broken, the angry, and the rebellious. (and i am one of "them.")He is the God who gave His life for those who would take and trample it. yes, it is my tendency even in fear for my child's life to cast blame on others for my life's bumps and bruises. i want to throw my anger at "that person" who seems to create difficulty for me and mine. and one cannot argue, a president who is anti-human life and anti-sacred marriage and pro-government control, with the support of a system of leaders with the same "value" system, could, indeed, make my life difficult. it is not all right to keep silent, or to pretend the reality doesn't exist.
for me, the battle is in the mind, as scripture asserts. the challenge is to recognize the reality of a world forsaking its creator, a nation handing its authority and hope from God to a broken human and rotting set of beliefs, and remembering that this same God allows it. that in seemingly hopeless situations He springs forth hope. that He looks at ugliness (in each of us) and sees the beauty of His original creation. that out of ashes He brings beauty. and my calling is to somehow, in His power alone, find strength to love as He does - no holds barred. to speak the truth, and to do it in love. to pray that He will blow his breath into the lungs of His enemy as He has done for me, and God willing, if He calls, that i would be willing to be his instrument.


Simple Obedience said...

It is hard to be that instrument of truth and speak in love. What a powerful blog that really makes me reflect. My tendency is to hide under my covers and pretend that things aren't changing as drastically as the news states. I do fear the new leadership as much as the rest of us. I am at peace knowing "the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord." and yes, we all should speak out.

Kerry Giles said...

I have been a mixture of emotions after reading your words that Obama spits in the face of God. I support Obama. Working in economic development on the local level and seeing our economy and jobs just disappearing I am very much in favor of change and focusing on infrastructure of this county. Obama may not hold all the same beleifs that I do, but neither did John McCain or other candidates of that matter. I believe Obama has a relationship with Christ. I beleive he is a good man and I believe he will be a much better leader than we have had in a long time. I struggle with the challenge of what are most important traits and skills for the leader of our country to hold. My challenge to all is to pray for the man and the team he is forming to rebuild and strengthen our country before it crumbles.

A Work in Progress said...

Oh, the words you speak I know all to well. "that in seemingly hopeless situations He springs forth hope." In my world it would be so easy to give up. But ONLY by the grace of God does He give me the strength to continue. I pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, and words of wisdom to come fourth from my mouth. In doing so if it can help one person come to the Lord to see the struggles God helps me with and can in turn help them as well. Then WHOO HOO!

I hope little sweet Anna is doing much better :)

Sweet Blessings said...

Angela, I love when you share like this- it's like our talks in person. They are spoken in truth AND love. Amanda:)