yesterday anna found a recipe for hot chocolate fudge cakes in my
cooking light (i swear it was!) magazine. in exchange for cleaning duty, she got to bake them right in the middle of the day! well, after everything else was mixed, she had to borrow 4 eggs from our neighbor miss marianne (thanks - we hope you enjoyed your little cake, too!), so time ran out and although they were all assembled, she had to leave for Christmas play practice, so... no cakes yesterday.
7:30 a.m., and she's up. ethan by my bedside: "mom, can we have anna's cakes for breakfast?" sure, why not, it's Christmas!!! (all month it is here, i'll have you know.) so... 8:00 am, special delivery to my shower (my spa shower is COMPLETE, for those of you who follow...) i receive warm, molten, COOKED LIGHT (no way, if you tasted this thing...) hot chocolate fudge cake. complete with a dusting of confectioner's sugar. and a piping hot cup of coffee with hazelnut biscotti creamer. oh, man, this IS the life. gosh, i hope my mother in law isn't reading this. if you are, NANA, I DID NOT ALLOW YOUR GRANDCHILDREN TO EAT HOT FUDGE CAKE FOR BREAKFAST. happy Christmas!